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Discover whether cats can be trained in the same way that dogs can. The purpose of this experiment is to apply the same principles used when training a dog to the training of a cat in order to find ou ...

Compare biodiversity between drops of water.The purpose of this experiment is to find out how the biodiversity compares in drops of water taken from the ocean, a pond, a puddle and the tap.It is an ed ...

Determine whether plants will grow in garbage.The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether plants are able to get enough nutrients from different types of garbage to be able to grow.It is an ...

Learn about how the global conveyor transports ocean water around the world.The purpose of this experiment is to simulate the global conveyor on a small scale and to observe the effects of wind, densi ...

Determine whether people are predisposed to like songs in a certain key. The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether a person’s taste in music is dictated by the key that the song is written ...

Find out how much a story changes as it is passed around for a day.The purpose of this experiment is to examine human memory by observing how well individuals can remember a story they were told and a ...

Determine whether different brands of athletic shoes really make you faster.The purpose of this experiment is to evaluate different brands of running shoes in order to find out whether any of them aff ...

The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether it is numerically possible to be connected to every person on the earth within six connections.It is an educational content by cl ...

Determine how many times you can fold a piece of paper in half, and if the size and thickness of the paper has an effect on the process.It is an educational content by clicking on the ...

A tsunami can reach heights of over one-hundred feet tall, though most are much smaller. These waves can be caused by a number of different things, including earthquakes, volcanoes or an impact with t ...